Job completed for Sophia F.

Completion date: December 2, 2023

Location: Jefferson, NJ

Why did the customer contact us?

Sophia experienced a water loss in her house. It was due to a leaky pipe in the basement. It had caused flooding and high levels of moisture. It needed to be addressed before mold would start to grow.

Solutions provided:

PDQ first located and had the pipe fixed so no more water would be leaking. After this all of the water was extracted. Then all surfaces were cleaned that came in contact with the water. Fans and dehumidifiers were set up to completely dry out the basement and bring it back to its original condition.

Team members on this project:

Christopher Witter, Nart Bachok, Sue Goldberg

Photos & Videos:

Water Loss Source - Leaky Pipe
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Water Loss Source - Leaky Pipe
Wet Floor
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Wet Floor